As the title of this post says - hi. I'm fat. I hate it. I can't get over it. If you don't care about any of the things I've just said, perhaps this isn't the place for you. I wouldn't want you to waste your precious time reading the inane postings of a depressed food addict. I know, I know... it sounds like insane fun, but trust me, you'll be disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it's not all bad. I just think the majority of my postings will be full of self loathing, and complaints - which I know you're dying to read.
Bottom line: I am unhappy. Wait, let me clarify a little. I am unhappy with
ME. I have a great life -I'm a stay at home mom (which I love!) I have a handsome husband, and two beautiful daughters. They are the highlight of my life, without a doubt. There are things about myself that I do like. Want me to list them? No? How unfortunate for you. Here they are: I'm funny, I'm caring, I love to talk (mostly about myself, so this blog thing is fantastic for me), I love doing good deeds, I'm a great eye brow waxer, I can dance, I (think) I can sing, I am a decent cook, etc, etc. I'm sure I could continue but listing the 10000000 things about myself that I like are all overshadowed by one LAARRRGE (no pun intended) thing. I'm fat.
I wasn't always fat (hence my blog title, duh). I used to be thinner, or as I like to refer to it - in great shape. Unfortunately for me, even though I can look back now and see that I looked great, I still thought I was fat. The problem with having a huge set of cans in the 7th grade is that you wear big baggy sweatshirts to hide them, and then everyone thinks you ARE fat, and that's all you hear. Trust me, that shit stays with you for life. In a sea of flat chests, and no hips, there I was looking all 18. I wish I could speak to 13 year old me so I could tell myself to wear something a little tighter, and hold my head a little bit higher (I'd also tell myself not to get that Demi Moore in
Ghost haircut. Bad choice.)
I can't pinpoint the exact moment when it all went down hill, but it's been a steady decline for the last 15 years or so. I like to think that it started when I graduated high school and went off to university. This sounds like every other fat girls story, right? I'll try to mix it up a little. The fact that I had freedom, and could do whatever I wanted wasn't a good fit for me. Not only was I shoving every piece of food in a 5 foot radius into my face, I also was sleeping my days away, not going to class, spending hours on the internet (which made me really cool, because back in 1997 the internet wasn't as awesome as it is now.) As I'm sure you can imagine, I didn't have a very successful year. I've come to learn that I need someone to be accountable to in all facets of my life, not just with eating. I'm very much a "bury my head in the sand" type of person.
I've tried to lose weight. You name it, I've tried it. I've been to counselling, I've tried Weight Watchers, I've done diet, after diet, after diet. I can behave for a little while and have moderate success, but the inevitable always happens. 2011 was a decent year for me. In January I decided it was time to get serious, and I lost almost 40 lbs by the end of August. 9 months was a record for me, and I was feeling awesome. People were noticing changes in me, a lot of health issues I had were disappearing, it was fantastic. For some reason, that switch that had stayed on for so long managed to turn itself off, and I fell back into my old habits. That brings me to today. Every morning I wake up and tell myself I will exercise, and I will eat right, and then I promptly make my way to the kitchen to eat a massive piece of leftover birthday cake from my husband's birthday party on the weekend. Every day I tell myself "what's one more day"... It's working out really well for me. Not.
So, I am the skinny girl, interrupted. Interrupted by the fat that has taken over my life. Interrupted by the self-hatred that haunts me on a daily basis. Interrupted by my laziness. In my head I see a hot, curvy chick with a great rack. When I look in the mirror I see an ugly, fat blob who needs her poor husband to help her pull up her spanks, and fasten her gigantic, painfully un-sexy, beige bra. I hold on to the hope that someday that skinny girl will be back again, and I'll be able to hang on to her and never let her go. There is nothing I want more in this life than to love myself.
Skinny fat girl trick #1 - Learn good camera angles. Above is always best, never take a picture from below. If you have an iPhone the forward facing camera is a godsend. P.s. I love mascara.